Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Only Moral Abortion is a Christian Abortion

Equine Shine has a jaw dropping blog post about the hypocrisy of the anti-choice movement. Equine Shine highlights some of the best testimonies from Joyce Arthur's article "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion" of doctors who provide abortion services and some of the strange encounters they have had.

Feast on the craziness:

“I have done several abortions on women who have regularly picketed my clinics, including a 16 year old schoolgirl who came back to picket the day after her abortion, about three years ago... Next morning she was with her mother and several school mates in front of the clinic with the usual anti posters and chants. It appears that she got the abortion she needed and still displayed the appropriate anti views expected of her by her parents, teachers, and peers.”

"...She told me that she had been offended by the other women in the abortion clinic waiting room because they were using abortion as a form of birth control, but her condom had broken so she had no choice! I had real difficulty not pointing out that she did have a choice, and she had made it! Just like the other women in the waiting room.”

“I once had a German client who greatly thanked me at the door, leaving after a difficult 22-week abortion. With a gleaming smile, she added: ‘Und doch sind Sie ein Mörderer.’ (‘And you’re still a murderer.’)”

Absolutely unbelievable!

Why is it that when I read these stories of anti-choice women getting abortions, I get the feeling that, fundamentally, they are following the same self-hating and hypocritical pattern of those male Christians who rail against gays, then turn around and pay to suck dick?


Anonymous said...

Hi, Aaron.


breakerslion said...

Very simple explanation, actually. Once the human brain has been forced around the bend by being made to believe two contradictoy thoughts at the same time, rational thought is permanently out the window. At least until such time as they are de-programmed. Such a broken brain can rationalize away anything.

beepbeepitsme said...

The rule for some people is that they are never responisble for their own actions.

Aaron Kinney said...

Another Aaron Kinney?

I've encountered the likes of dopplegangers like yourself before. I knew the day would come when a showdown between the AKs would take place, and shatter the world in the process.

Now we enter... ENDGAME!

j/k ;)

Sara Angelou said...

Abortion can't be counted as legal, but in some cases, it can be done and count as legal as if she is not capable to carry it because any financial, physical or mental issue or she is a victim of rape. In this condition, abortion can be done and to done abortion, they get an Abortion Pill online at the lowest rate from an online store.